MicroActiveAutomatic Detection of Disease Related Molecular Cell ActivityMicroActive is a specific targeted research project under EU's 6th IST Framework Programme. The project started in December 2005 and were closed in December 2008.
The MicroActive project has developed an instrument for molecular diagnostics intended for use in the doctors’ office. The instrument will first be used for patient screening for a group of viruses causing cervical cancer. Microfluidics and biotechnology form the basis for the development.
Results from the project are now made available through this web-site and through the publishable final activity report. Study the project publications and dissemination.
SINTEF (Norway) has coordinated the project. IMM (Germany), IMTEK (Germany), BioFluidix (Germany), NorChip (Norway) and Coombe Womens' hospital (Ireland) has been project partners.
Fluorescent detection of RNA
Sample preparation chip
RNA amplification and detection