Interdisciplinary Risk Assessment in Integrated Operations addressing Human and Organisational Factors


About the project

The RIO project (Interdisciplinary Risk Assessment in Integrated Operations addressing Human and Organisational Factors) aims at developing new knowledge (theories, models) and frameworks for reasoning, as a basis and platform for risk assessment in relation to petroleum production in an integrated operations (IO) environment, and to provide guidance on the practical use of these results to relevant practitioners in the petroleum industry.

The key question to be addressed in the project is how to assess and express risk in an IO environment by an interdisciplinary approach.

The project is sponsored by the PETROMAKS program of the Norwegian Research Council; the Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority; and the Center for Integrated Operations in the Petroleum Industry at NTNU. The project period is 2008-11.

The work is carried out in close cooperation between NTNU, MINES ParisTech and SINTEF.

Main activities

  • Identifying elements characterising IO, and the scientific foundations for dealing with the risk aspect of the identified changes.
  • Analyze which effects the IO-related changes have on risk by using different perspectives on organizational accidents and resilient organizations.
  • Position different methods for risk and safety assessments according to system characteristics, and evaluate the applicability of methods related to IO-related changes.
  • Develop guidance for risk assessment to be used by practitioners in the petroleum industry.
  • Establish a master degree course for interdisciplinary risk assessment of IO
  • Publish project results in a book

Integrated Operations

Integrated operations (IO) can be understood as new work practises in the petroleum industry that are based on information technology and digital infrastructure to enable concepts such as increased capture of offshore performance data; use of real-time data to monitor and manage operations across geographical and organisational borders; use of collaborative technology to link different actors in a more efficient and closer way; and access to expert knowledge.

Altogether these properties result in tighter integration of technology, data, competency, activities and organisations. The general belief is that these IO concepts will provide “better, faster and safer decisions”, thus resulting in reduced operational costs; longer life-span; and accelerated and increased production. However, new opportunities and challenges for risk assessment and risk management arise in this IO environment, which is explored in the RIO project.

  • 6 presentations have been made at international safety conferences in the periode June-September
  • An industrial seminar on interdisciplinary risk assessment in IO was arranged November 3 in Trondheim.




MINES ParisTech



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