- Case study: World Health Organization's guidelines for environmental noise revisited
- Sammenhengen mellom langtids- og korttids ekvivalentnivåer i støy fra vindkraftanlegg
- Vindturbinstøy i forbindelse med søvn og hvile
- Measuring Community Response to Noise—Factors Affecting the Results of Annoyance Surveys Les publikasjonen
- Predicting prevalence of noise annoyance using the CTL method
- Moderation of people’s subjective reactions to road noise
- Constructing noise-reaction questions for community noise surveys in nine different languages. Experiences and lessons learned
- How to Determine the Annoyance Due to the Wind Turbine
- Effect of alternate definitions of "high" annoyance on exposure-response functions
- An alternate approach to regulatory analyses of the findings of a 20-airport social survey
Annen formidling
- In a presentation, Ted once said I’d like my epitaph to be “I simplified.”
- International Aircraft Noise Regulations
- World Health Organization’s guidelines for environmental noise revisited
- Comparing results from annoyance surveys – Factors affecting the results of a survey
- Prediction of wind turbine noise
- Factors influencing the results of a social survey
- A method to quantify the noise annoyance in an airport community
- Issues affecting results of noise surveys around airports
- Factors moderating people's subjective reactions to road noise
- Community Tolerance Level - CTL