Kontaktperson, prosjekter
- ALL-DC-SHIPS (2025 - 2028)
- MARINERG-i DRI PP - Europeisk Distribuert Forskningsinfrastruktur (2024 - )
- V-ACCESS - Vessel Advanced Clustered and Coordinated Energy Storage Systems (2023 - 2026)
- Havnett - Ocean Grid (2022 - 2024)
- NEWEPS - Nordic Early Warning Early Prevention system (2020 - 2024)
- Nordic Early Warning Early Prevention System (2020 - 2024)
- SynchroPhasor-based Automatic Real-time Control (SPARC) (2018 - 2022)
- Multiterminal likestrøms transmisjon (MDTC) (MODULATOR) (2018 - 2022)
- BestPaths (2014 - 2018)
- ProOfGrids (2012 - 2017)
Kontaktperson, laboratorier
Kontaktperson, ekspertise
- Integration of electrical energy storage in wave energy hardware-in-the-loop test rigs Les publikasjonen
- A Reactive Power Boosting Strategy for BESS-STATCOMs
- A Ground Fault Location and Severity Estimation Method for Modular Multilevel Converters
- Continuous Control-Set Model-Predictive Control with stability guarantee for the PWM-VSC
- Advanced Digital Lab Infrastructure for the Development of Smart Power Grid
- Black-boxing of Converter State-Space Models for Power System Eigenvalue Analysis
- A Passive Grid Impedance Estimation Method in Exploiting Variable Operating Conditions
- Application of Dual-Grid-Forming MMC for Seamless Transition between Grid Connected and Islanded Operation in Microgrids
- A Platform for Development and Testing of WAMPAC Applications based on Kafka Streaming
- An Improved Dual Grid-Forming MMC with Port-Hamiltonian Structure
Annen formidling
- Kick-off meeting of ALL-DC-SHIPS project: paving the way for low-emission vessels
- Kick-off for ALL-DC-SHIPS-prosjektet: Baner vei for lavutslippsfartøy
- Application of Dual-Grid-Forming MMC for Seamless Transition between Grid Connected and Islanded Operation in Microgrids
- An Improved Dual Grid-Forming MMC with Port-Hamiltonian Structure
- Advanced digital lab infrastructure for the development of smart power grid
- System Identification of a MIMO Black-box Model Using Vector Fitting (VF)
- Control methods for providing virtual inertia from power converters and analysis of operation under unbalanced conditions
- A special protection scheme for damping power system oscillations by controlling wind farms
- Ocean Grid Research – grid and system integration innovations for North Sea wind energy realisation
- A Control Strategy for Seamless Interconnection of Microgrids in a Multigrid Configuration