Kontaktperson, prosjekter
Kontaktperson, ekspertise
Kontaktperson, programvare
- Relaxed Nonlinear Vector Fitting for Calculation of Rational Approximation of Systems Defined by Input/Output Responses in the Frequency Domain
- Improved Pole Placement and Compaction of MIMO Vector Fitting Applied to System Identification Les publikasjonen
- High-Frequency Modeling for Determination of Motor Voltage Stresses in a 6.6 kV Variable Speed Drive
- A 2D FEM Model for Impedance and Loss Calculation of Armored Three-Core Cables with Inclusion of 3D Pitching Effects Les publikasjonen
- Rational Function Approximation of Transformer Branch Impedance Matrix for Frequency-Dependent White-Box Modeling Les publikasjonen
- Multi-Conductor Cable Modeling with Inclusion of Measured Coaxial Wave Propagation Characteristics Les publikasjonen
- Cable Modeling for Very Fast Transient Simulation Studies Using One-Sided Voltage Transfer Function Measurements Les publikasjonen
- Rational Approximation of Nonlinear Systems Via NL-VF
- Inclusion of Neutral Points in Measurement-Based Frequency-Dependent Transformer Model Les publikasjonen
- Dominant Modes Identification of Linear Systems via Geometrical Search Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- Wind Power Plant Transmission System Modelling for Harmonic Propagation and Small-signal Stability Analysis Les publikasjonen
- ProTrafo
- Myteknusing gir kraftmiliarder
- Loss minimization in AC export cables
- Myteknusing gir kraftmilliardær
- Minimizing Losses in Long AC Export Cables
- Challenges in Electromagnetic transient modeling of offshore wind farms
- Bedre modeller skal beskytte trafoer
- Upon the improvement of the winding design of wind turbine transformers for safer performance within resonance overvoltages
- Modeling of Wind Turbine Transformers for the Analysis of Resonant Overvoltages