Kontaktperson, prosjekter
Kontaktperson, laboratorier
Flere publikasjoner
- CO2 Monitoring Design using Value-of-Information Analysis with Applications to the Sleipner Project
- UAV-borne ground penetrating radar for avalanche forecasting
- Photogrammetry and LiDAR from UAS in steep terrain
- Sensors on UAVs for snow mapping
- Operational integration of uncrewed aerial vehicles into roadway agencies' snow avalanche risk assessment process
- Monitoring casing corrosion of legacy wells using CSEM: implications for large-scale energy and CO2 storage projects in shut-down hydrocarbon fields
- Field test of UAS to support avalanche monitoring: Field test activity report - Fonnbu March 2022
- Towards quantitative CO2 monitoring at Sleipner, Norway
- Screening and Non-Invasive Geophysical Monitoring of Legacy Wells Integrity for Offshore CO2 Storage
- Screening, Monitoring, and Remediation of Legacy Wells to Improve Reservoir Integrity for Large-Scale CO2 Storage—An Example From the Smeaheia Structure in the Northern North Sea Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- Borehole Guided Waves Sensitivity to Well Integrity and CO2 Saturation Changes Beyond the Casing
- The potential of borehole seismic monitoring techniques at the field scale for leakage and well integrity assessment in CO2 injection projects
- GIS for underground H2 storage
- Rock physics modelling and inversion for CO2storage monitoring
- Drone GPR and remote sensing for snow and ice applications in Norway
- Well integrity monitoring for large-scale CO2 storage: the LEGACY project
- Drone technologies in scientific research: snow and ice studies
- Legacy wells screening and monitoring for large-scale storage
- Screening and monitoring of legacy wells along the Norwegian Continental Shelf - enabling large scale CO2 storage
- Multiphysics monitoring of CO2 storage