Kontaktperson, prosjekter
- Kartlegging av behandlingstilbudet for personer med tinnitus (2022)
- Building Health (2021 - 2026)
- EgenMS: Egenmestringsverktøy for personer med Multippel Sklerose (MS) (2020 - 2022)
- Building social and emotional skills to BOOST mental health resilience in children and young people in Europe (2018 - 2023)
- Erre mulig? Velferdsteknologi for barn og unge med nedsatt funksjonsevne: Et brukersentrert innovasjonsprosjekt (2014 - 2017)
- Alcohol and drug use and abuse and its implications in Malawi (2008)
- Alkohol og rusbruk i Malawi (ALMA) (2007 - 2013)
- Rusmiddelbruk og kjønnsbasert vold i Malawi (2007 - 2008)
- Rusmiddelbruk og misbruk - implikasjoner i en malawisk sammenheng (2007 - 2008)
Kontaktperson, ekspertise
- Using locational data in a novel mixed-methods sequence design: Identifying critical health care barriers for people with disabilities in Malawi Les publikasjonen
- Case study 6.3 - Nomabali's Story
- Exploring the Relationship Between Food Insecurity, Gender Roles and HIV/AIDS Among Tonga Carers of Disabled Children of Binga in Zimbabwe Les publikasjonen
- Predictors of negative beliefs toward the sexual rights and perceived sexual healthcare needs of people with physical disabilities in South Africa
- Shooting Back and (re)framing: Challenging Dominant Representations of People with Physical Disabilities in South Africa
- (Re)presenting the self: Questions raised by a photovoice project with people with physical disabilities in South Africa
- Impairment, socialization and embodiment: The sexual oppression of people with physical disabilities
- The role of stigma in accessing education for people with disabilities in low and middle-income countries: a review of the evidence
- Withdrawn, strong, kind, but de-gendered: Non-disabled South Africans’ stereotypes concerning persons with physical disabilities Les publikasjonen
- Sexuality erased, questioned, and explored: the experiences of South Africans with physical disabilities Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- Building towards a healthier future
- Bistand rettet mot de fattigste treffer ofte feil
- Hvorfor og hvordan skal skoler arbeide med sosial og emosjonell læring?
- Why and how should schools work with social and emotional learning?
- Om EU-prosjektet BOOST
- South African study gives insights into sexual health needs of people with disabilities
- The importance of vulnerability in accessing health care in low-income contexts and the relevance for the SDGs
- The divergence between perceived and measured access to health care in rural Namibia
- The importance of vulnerability in accessing health care in low-income countries: the case of Namibia and Malawi
- Disability and Sexual Health