Kontaktperson, prosjekter
- Super PV - Kostnadsreduksjon og forbedret ytelse av PV-systemer (2018 - 2022)
- Infinite-cell - Internasjonalt samarbeid for utvikling av kostnadseffektiv kesteritt / c-Si tynnfilm neste generasjons tandemsolceller (2017 - 2020)
- CABRISS – Implementering av en sirkulær økonomi basert på resirkulert, gjenbrukt og gjenvunnet indium, silisium og sølvmaterialer for solceller og andre applikasjoner (2015 - 2018)
- Towards an Open Energy Management System for Integrated Energy Storage and Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Station
- Rate-Dependent Evolution of Microstructure and Stress in Silicon Films Deposited by Electron Beam Evaporation
- High-Rate Epitaxial Growth of Silicon Using Electron Beam Evaporation at High Temperatures
- Toward the recovery of solar silicon from end-of-life PVs by vacuum refining Les publikasjonen
- High entropy alloy CrFeNiCoCu sputter deposited films: Structure, electrical properties, and oxidation Les publikasjonen
- Data quality issues in solar panels installations: a case study Les publikasjonen
- Efficiency Loss in Coloured Photovoltaics: Estimating the Contribution from Reflection Loss and Absorption Loss
- Simple interference based colorization of Si based solar cells and panels with ITO/SiNx:H double layer antireflective coatings
- (111)Si thin layers detachment by stress-induced spallation
Annen formidling
- Towards an Open Energy Management System for Integrated Energy Storage and Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Station
- Efficiency Loss in Coloured Photovoltaics: Estimating the Contribution from Reflection Loss and Absorption Loss
- Combustion based delamination of Si based glass/glass photovoltaic modules
- Materials for Energy Harvesting
- On the evolution of properties of ITO layers deposited on crystalline and amorphous Si upon heat treatments
- A high resolution electron microscopy and spectroscopy study of interfaces in Si-based solar cell heterojunctions
- Formation of continous Si nano-particles based mono-layers on various substrates by e-beam evaporation
- Plasmonic properties of aluminium nanowires in amorphous silicon and inverted silicon nanowires
- Growing and characterizing self-organizing aluminium nanowires in amorphous silicon
- Electronic structure of tunable metastable aSiAl and aSiAlHx thin films