Kontaktperson, prosjekter
- RESTORE - Ressurshøsting fra jordbruk og skogbruk for CO2 lagring og bruk i landbruk (2021 - 2024)
- CleanTex (2018)
- SuperSmart (2016 - 2018)
- INTERACT (2013 - 2017)
- CREATIV - Energieffektivisering i industrien (2009 - 2013)
- Varmepumpesystemer for bygninger av lavenergi- og passivhusstandard (2006 - 2010)
Kontaktperson, laboratorier
Kontaktperson, ekspertise
- Current Municipal Solid Waste Management in a Large City and Evaluation of Alternative Management Scenarios
- Bioenergy and links to agriculture & LULUCF in a Nordic context Les publikasjonen
- Scenarios for carbon capture integration in a waste-to-energy plant Les publikasjonen
- Energy efficiency of respiration in mature and newborn reindeer Les publikasjonen
- Operational guidelines for emissions control using cross-correlation analysis of waste-to-energy process data Les publikasjonen
- Efficiency in the process industry: Three thermodynamic tools for better resource use Les publikasjonen
- Characterizing the Dynamic Behaviour of a WtE Plant through Start-up Data
- Evaluating the Cleaning Routines in a Norwegian WtE Plant by Principal Component Analysis
- Machine learning based modelling for lower heating value prediction of municipal solid waste
- Dynamic modeling of municipal solid waste incineration
Annen formidling
- How industries can track their impact on nature – and why they should
- Energy Recovery research through the HighEFF Centre
- FME HighEff: Energieffektivisering i industrien og overskuddsvarme som ressurs
- HighEFF workshop – How to get from knowledge building on surplus heat recovery to practical and attractive demonstrators?
- CircWtE SP2/SP3 workshop
- SP2 - Waste treatment technologies
- Plast på rammebetingelsesnivå
- Avfallshåndtering i Oslo
- Biomass and bioenergy in energy system models for Norway - Status and improvement possibilities
- Energy efficiency possibilities in food processing industry – Case study of a snack factory