Kontaktperson, ekspertise
- Framskritt og fremtidsutsikter for innfasing av el-lastebiler i Norge - Erfaringer, utviklingstrekk, barrierer og behov
- Analysis of spatial and design factors for users' acceptance of rescue rooms in road tunnels: An exploratory study using Virtual Reality Les publikasjonen
- Knowledge and strategies for facilitating urban freight and last-mile deliveries amid digital transitions
- The ZEN definition – a guideline for the ZEN pilot areas. Version 4.0
- ZEN-definisjonen – en veileder for ZEN-pilotområder. Versjon 4.0. Norsk
- Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities Definition, Key Performance Indicators and Assessment Criteria: Version 5.0
- Nullutslippsområde i smarte byer Definisjon, nøkkelindikatorer og vurderingskriterier: Versjon 5.0
- Byform i et Zen-perspektiv. En sammenfatning av arbeid med GIS-baserte metoder for analyser og visualisering
- Shared solutions for active, collective, and inclusive neighbourhoods
- Ålgårdbanen.Revitalisering av infrastruktur for automatisert kollektivtransport
Annen formidling
- Arealplanlegging og mobilitet
- Cycling versus e-scooters – what are the health impacts?
- The role of integrating shared, demand-responsive transport services in mobility transitions
- Kjøre-og-hente-app kan være både miljøvennlig og inkluderende
- Shared solutions for active, collective, and inclusive neighbourhoods
- What type of paths do we need to encourage more people to cycle all year round?
- How local governance can facilitate transitions on the last mile by improved data about urban freight transport. Case study and mapping in the city of Trondheim.
- Developing shared mobility solutions for new neighbourhoods: the role of mobility and logistics planning
- Analysis of design and spatial factors for users' acceptance of rescue rooms in Norwegian road tunnels: An experimental study using VR
- Kaosvinter på veiene - dette blir det mer av: - Må vurdere både kontrakter og budsjetter