Kontaktperson, ekspertise
- Including Lifetime Hydraulic Turbine Cost into Short-Term Hybrid Scheduling of Hydro and Solar
- Practical Experiences from Application of a Comprehensive Simulator for Pumped Storage Hydropower Investment Decisions on a Real Investment Case Les publikasjonen
- Adaptive Hybrid 1D Modeling for Digital Twin of Hydropower Systems
- Impact of Reservoir Evaporation on Determining Power Purchasing Agreement under Solar-Hydro Hybridization
- Adaptively Learned Modeling for a Digital Twin of Hydropower Turbines with Application to a Pilot Testing System Les publikasjonen
- Impact of energy pricing regimes on production schedules under solar-hydro hybridization
- Condition-based opportunistic maintenance of cascaded hydropower stations
- Integrating Machine Learning Techniques into the Decision-making Process for Hydro Scheduling
- Algorithmic Development and Industrial Applications of Short-term Hydro Scheduling in the Nordic Power Market
- Hydrogen and the decarbonization of the energy system in Europe in 2050: A detailed model-based analysis
Annen formidling
- TwinLab – Digital twin laboratory for hydropower
- The start-of-the-art application of machine learning
- Using machine learning to reduce mixed-integer variables in hydro scheduling
- Using machine learning for time-dependent commands
- Command status given the feature list
- Summary of the feature list
- Slik får kraftverkene mest mulig strøm ut av vannet i demningene
- News in short-term scheduling
- SHOP in a nutshell