- Life cycle assessment of ventilation systems. Experience from FME ZEN and current knowledge basis
- Effect of service life in the emission assessment of ventilation systems. A case study in an office building
- Optimizing ventilation systems considering operational and embodied emissions with life cycle based method
- Life cycle inventory library for embodied emissions in ventilation components
- Replication and Upscaling of Energy-Efficient Solutions in the Building Sector
- Klimagassbelastning for VVS-installasjoner - Beregning av klimagassutslipp knyttet til VVS-installasjoner i Ydalir skole og en barnehage, i samarbeid med FoU Grønn VVS
- Comparing embodied GHG emissions between environmental product declaration and generic data models: Case of the ZEB laboratory in Trondheim, Norway Les publikasjonen
- Geo-referenced building stock analysis as a basis for local-level energy and climate mitigation strategies Les publikasjonen
- Towards a LCA Database for the Planning and Design of Zero-Emissions Neighborhoods Les publikasjonen
- Energioppgradere eller bygge nytt? En analyse av klimafotavtrykket fra småhus i tre Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- Classification of Concrete Bridges Based on Material Usage for Sustainable Decision-Making
- Hvordan ta hensyn til miljøprestasjonen i beslutningsmodeller?
- LCA for iclimabuilt Pilot Line 2: Thermoelectric generators
- ZEN LCA‐database for ventilasjonskomponenter
- LCA results for core formulations and SIP alternatives
- Klimagassutslipp fra høyhastighetsbaner i Norge
- LCA workshop in the PRICE project.
- LCA webinar
- Environmental assessment - Introduction and global frameworks - Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
- Simplified LCA tool for ambitious upgrading of wooden dwellings