- Impact of seawater temperature and physical-chemical properties on sorption of pharmaceuticals, stimulants, and biocides to marine particles Les publikasjonen
- Human pharmaceuticals in the arctic – A review
- A seawater field study of crude and fuel oil depletion in Northern Norway at two different seasons – Chemistry and bacterial communities
- Bioaccumulation of pharmaceuticals and stimulants in macrobenthic food web in the European Arctic as determined using stable isotope approach
- Comparison of two field systems for determination of crude oil biodegradation in cold seawater Les publikasjonen
- Resipientundersøkelse Adventfjorden 2023
- The impact of potential leakage from the sub-seabed CO2 storage site on the phosphorus transformation in marine sediments – An experimental study
- Effects of mine tailing exposure on the development of early life stages of the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus
- Non-target and suspect screening reveal complex pattern of contamination in Arctic marine zooplankton
- In situ biomonitoring using caged lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) eggs reveal plastic and rubber associated chemicals in a harbour area in Central Norway
Annen formidling
- United for a common goal at European Ocean Days
- A novel biomonitoring platform with caged lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) eggs for of spreading of rubber- and plastic-associated chemicals from urban run-off into a harbour area in Central Norway
- Creation of a toolbox for the implementation of restoration actions in coastal marine areas: the CLIMAREST project
- Redder økosystemer i havet langs kysten
- Drinking water and waste water management at Svalbard.
- Where to look? Stability and seawater-particulate partitioning of PPCPs
- SINTEF-forsker med i dokumentar av Emmy-nominert regissør
- The Arc of Oblivion
- God morgen Trøndelag: Forurensning i Arktis og filmpremiære