Flere publikasjoner
- SAFESUB: Safe and Autonomous Subsea Intervention
- Reliable Pb(Zr,Ti)O3-based thin film piezoelectric micromirrors for space-applications Les publikasjonen
- Compact interferometric projector for high accuracy 3D imaging in space
- Adaptive Structured Light with Scatter Correction for High-Precision Underwater 3D Measurements Les publikasjonen
- Real-time super-resolved 3D in turbid water using a fast range-gated CMOS camera Les publikasjonen
- UTOFIA - an underwater time-of-flight imaging acquisition system
- Design tool for TOF and SL based 3D cameras Les publikasjonen
- A Real-Time 3D Range Image Sensor based on a novel Tip-Tilt-Piston Micro-mirror and Dual Frequency Phase Shifting
- Low-cost resonant cavity Raman gas probe for multi-gas detection
Annen formidling
- Robotics and drones for inspection and maintenance of offshore and onshore energy infrastructure
- SAFESUB: Safe and Autonomous Subsea Intervention
- Utvikler robot-øyne som kan finne og fjerne skrot i verdensrommet
- Adaptive Multi-Frequency Phase Stepping for Optimal 3D Depth Reconstruction
- Structured Light Imaging under Sunlight Conditions
- UTOFIA project - A new compact, cost-efficient concept for underwater range-gated imaging
- A Real-Time 3D Range Image Sensor based on a novel Tip-Tilt-Piston Micro-mirror and Dual Frequency Phase Shifting
- Demonstration of thin silicon solar cells with self-assembled diffractive honeycomb light-trapping structures
- Thin silicon solar cells with diffractive light trapping structure
- Laser processing for thin and highly efficient silicon solar cells