Kontaktperson, ekspertise
- Sikkerhet for skybasert OT i kritisk infrastruktur
- Towards Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Future ATM – First Steps
- SEC-AIRSPACE: Addressing Cyber Security Challenges in Future Air Traffic Management
- Security-by-design challenges for medical device manufacturers
- A Way Forward for the MDCG 2019-16 Medical Device Security Guidance
- Fuzzing the ARM Cortex-M: A Survey
- Behovskartlegging for Fritidsbåtplattformen
- "Check, Check, Check, We Got Those" – Catalogue Use in Information Security Risk Management
- A continuous OT cybersecurity risk analysis and mitigation process Les publikasjonen
- Cybersecurity in railway - alternatives of independent assessors’ involvement in cybersecurity assurance Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- A continuous OT cybersecurity risk analysis and mitigation process
- Storyless cyber security: Modelling threats with economic incentives
- Secure, Trustworthy and Efficient Information Exchange – Enabling Added Value through The Maritime Data Space and Public Key Infrastructure
- Secure, Trustworthy and Efficient Information Exchange – Enabling Added Value through the Maritime Data Space and Public Key Infrastructure
- Eksplosiv økning i cyberangrepsforsøk i maritim sektor under korona
- Sju steg til bedre programvaresikkerhet
- Ensuring ATM cyber security by applying SecRAM Les publikasjonen
- The CySiMS PKI
- Sikre løsninger for digital kommunikasjonen mellom fly og bakke
- Hjelp vi flyr!