Kontaktperson, prosjekter
Flere publikasjoner
- Between the devil and the deep blue sea: Work safety for contractors in Norwegian fish farming
- Reconfiguring innovation systems for sustainable sectoral transformation: The case of the Norwegian aquaculture industry
- Biosafety in Norwegian Aquaculture—Risks and Measures in RAS Facilities and Well-Boats
- Exposed Aquaculture Operations: Strategies for Safety and Fish Welfare Les publikasjonen
- Auditism: Symptoms, Safety Consequences, Causes, and Cure
- Untangling Safety Management: From Reasonable Regulation to Bullshit Tasks
- Unprocurable essentialities: Situational and relational knowledge in publicly procured security services
- Safe, robust, and productive Exposed Aquaculture Operations - Challenges and solutions
- Safe, robust, and productive Exposed Aquaculture Operations - Challenges and solutions
- HMS i havbruk - Oppsummerende faglig sluttrapport
Annen formidling
- A qualitative approach to identify risk factors for reduced fish welfare and mortalities in Norwegian Atlantic salmon smolts
- Prioriterer HMS i havbruksnæringen
- Teknologi for trygg og effektiv drift i dypet
- HMS i havbruk - status og tiltak
- Funn fra smittekontroll
- Occupational health and safety survey in Norwegian fish farming
- HMS i havbruk - status og tiltak
- Occupational health and safety (OHS) in Norwegian Salmon farming - an employee survey
- Opplever HMS-arbeidet i næringen som "brannslukkende", viser ny rapport
- HMS-undersøkelsen i havbruk 2023