Kontaktperson, ekspertise
- Review on CO2 removal from ocean with an emphasis on direct ocean capture (DOC) technologies
- SustainableTech – A Holistic Framework for Integrated Techno-Economic and Sustainability Assessments
- Energy assessments of onboard CO2 capture from ship engines by MEA-based post combustion capture system with flue gas heat integration Les publikasjonen
- Design of a multi-user CO2 intermediate storage facility in the Grenland region of Norway
- Technical and environmental viability of a European CO2 EOR system Les publikasjonen
- A Case Study of Partial Capture of Co2 from a Pulp Mill – the Effect on Co2 Capture Cost
- CO2 Capture Opportunities in the Norwegian Silicon Industry
- Cost Estimation of CO2 Absorption Plants for CO2 Mitigation – Method and Assumptions
- Investment costs and CO2 reduction potential of carbon capture from industrial plants – A Swedish case study
- Partial Carbon Capture by Absorption Cycle for Reduced Specific Capture Cost
Annen formidling
- A framework for regional high-level technical screening ofpromising CCUS value chains
- SustainableTech - Framework for systematic and integrated life-cycle and techno-economic assessments
- Interim CO2 Storage Options: Scenarios and Options for the Full CCUS Chain
- Sweet Spot for Low Pressure CO2 Transport CO2LOS III
- Floating Terminals CO2LOS III
- Ship-Based CO2 Capture – Port Integration Everlong ACT project
- Assessing the Suitability of Co2 Reduction Technologies for Emission Intensive Industries – A Nordic Case Study
- Ship Design for CO2 Transport - Purpose Made or Multigas Carrier?
- A Framework to Compare Climate Positive Technologies
- The Evolvement of a CCS-Hub at the port of Gothenburg, Sweden