Flere publikasjoner
- Scaling up 3D printed hybrid sorbents towards (cost) effective post-combustion CO2 capture: A multiscale study
- Simulation and optimization of fixed bed and moving bed TSA processes for post-combustion CO2 capture.
- Biomass based activated carbon electrodes for capacitative deionization in the context of nitrate and phosphate removal
- Efficient numerical simulation of vacuum swing adsorption using automatic differentiation
- Evaluation of Electrosorption Process for Phosphate and Nitrate Removal from Wastewater
- Vacuum swing adsorption process for post-combustion carbon capture with 3D printed sorbents: Quantifying the improvement in productivity and specific energy over a packed bed system through process simulation and optimization Les publikasjonen
- 3D-printing of adsorbents for increased productivity in carbon capture applications (3D-CAPS)
- CO2 Capture with Structured Sorbents Containing Multiwalled Carbon Nano Tubes and Polyethyleneimine (PEI)
- A Multiscale Approach for Evaluating UTSA-16 Adsorbent for Post Combustion Carbon Capture
- Sorbents screening for post-combustion CO2 capture via combined temperature and pressure swing adsorption Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- Evaluation of Mmen-Mg2(dobpdc)-MOF and Lewatit Adsorbents for Direct Air Capture by a Modular Vacuum Temperature Swing Adsorption (VTSA) Process
- A new simulation framework for modelling CO2 adsorption processes
- Efficient numerical simulation of vacuum swing adsorption using automatic differentiation
- Preparation of MOF spheres for use in a moving-bed temperature swing adsorption pilot for post-combustion CO2 capture
- Performance of Lewatit adsorbent at dry conditions in various contactor/regeneration environments in a NGCC context; a comparative study
- Multiscale Screening of Adsorbents for Post Combustion Capture: Effect of the Vacuum Swing Adsorption Process Configuration on the Adsorbent Performance
- CO2 Capture Using 3D Printed PEI Adsorbents Supported By Carbon Nanostructures
- Evaluation of 3D printed adsorbents for carbon capture applications