- Learning from mistakes in project-based organizations
- Evaluating the Role of Early Contractor Involvement in Delivering Sustainable Building Projects
- A Study on Usage of Formal Knowledge Sharing Systems in Project-Based Organizations
- Knowledge sharing and learning in projects - Focusing on time restriction Les publikasjonen
- Characterising the transdisciplinary challenge in the development of Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods – what do emerging innovations tell us? Les publikasjonen
- The ZEN definition – a guideline for the ZEN pilot areas. Version 4.0
- ZEN-definisjonen – en veileder for ZEN-pilotområder. Versjon 4.0. Norsk
- Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities Definition, Key Performance Indicators and Assessment Criteria: Version 5.0
- Nullutslippsområde i smarte byer Definisjon, nøkkelindikatorer og vurderingskriterier: Versjon 5.0
- Evaluering av prosjektet Venjar-Langset. Tilleggsrapport 2023
Annen formidling
- Beslutningstøtte skal gi raskere og billigere renovering av boliger Les publikasjonen
- Knowledge production in evaluating rehabilitation of buildings – Areas of interest and biases
- Improving performance of a research project by continuous learning – a systematic approach
- SpeedUp – Demonstrasjonsprosjekter
- Downfall in the Oil Price; Challenges and Opportunities for the Construction Industry
- Technology transfer as driver for innovation and automation in SMEs - Experiences and results from different programs in Norway
- Modell for partnering – beste praksis (Model for Partnering Excellence, norsk tilpasset utgave av CII Research summary 102-1)
- “The Fast and the Fantastic” Time-Cost Trade-Offs in New Product Development vs. Construction Projects
- Value of uncertainty – The lost opportunities
- The Black Swan – Knowing the unknown in projects