- Sammenhengen mellom langtids- og korttids ekvivalentnivåer i støy fra vindkraftanlegg
- Vindturbinstøy i forbindelse med søvn og hvile
- Diffraction modeling for scattering objects with non-rigid surfaces
- NEMO project: developing a N-RSD (Noise Remote Sensing Device) to identify high noise emitters in the road traffic flow
- NEMO project: acoustic detection of vehicle engine speed
- Meteorologimodell for bruk ved beregning av støy fra lette våpen Les publikasjonen
- Development and Calibration of a New Automated Method to Measure Air Conduction Auditory Thresholds Using an Active Earplug
- Spectral analysis of internally leaking shut-down valves
- A Comparison Study of Foam versus Custom Silicone Earplugs Used as Part of an Intelligent Electronic Hearing Protector System
- Detection and quantification of valve through leak from the analysis of acoustic emission (AE) Les publikasjonen