Kontaktperson, prosjekter
- Data-driven construction of maritime traffic networks for AI-based route prediction
- Lessons for Data-Driven Modelling from Harmonics in the Norwegian Grid Les publikasjonen
- Let the Asset Decide: Digital Twins with Knowledge Graphs
- The value of multiple data sources in machine learning models for power system event prediction
- Impact of seasonal weather on forecasting of power quality disturbances in distribution grids Les publikasjonen
- Applications of Big Data and Data Science in the Electricity Distribution Grid - State-of-the-art Les publikasjonen
- Impact of the Temporal Distribution of Faults on Prediction of Voltage Anomalies in the Power Grid Les publikasjonen
- Automated Detection of Electric Vehicles in Hourly Smart Meter Data Les publikasjonen
- Incipient Fault Prediction in Power Quality Monitoring Les publikasjonen
- Energy analytics - opportunities for energy monitoring and prediction with smart meters
Annen formidling
- Past, Present, Future -- Planetary Boundaries, Sustainable Development, and Post-Growth
- Aquaculture Risk: Good Practices for Data Pipelines
- Foredrag om VisMeg prosjektet
- The Feasibility Jump: an LP-free Lagrangian MIP heuristic
- The Feasibility Jump: an LP-free Lagrangian MIP heuristic
- Prediksjon av værrelaterte feil i distribusjonsnettet
- AIOPS – Hvordan velge ut KI prosjekter og gå fra prototyp til drift
- MLOps – Taking AI from Concept to Impact
- Predicting the Grid -- Severe Weather, Outages, and Power Quality Forecast
- Climate, Satellites, & AI -- Perspectives in Space-Based Remote Sensing, Deep Learning for Climate Analytics, and Hybrid Analytics