Presentations - International workshop on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Export
List of Presentations, March 24th, Trondheim, Norway
- Renewable energy & H2 export Final agenda
- The changing energy system - Keynote Ulrich Bünger, LBST
- Energy situation in Japan, challenges and future plans, Akiteru Maruta, Technova
- Enovas mission towards a sustainable energy future, Geir Nysetvold, Enova
- Status and potential for wind power, Harald Svendsen, SINTEF
- Regulations, Codes & Standards for hydrogen handling, Ikuo Hamanaka, DNV GL
- Norway- still an energy nation in 2050, Steffen Møller-Holst, SINTEF
- Chances and perspectives for H2 energy storage systems with PEM electrolysers, Gaelle Hotellier, Siemens
- Hydrogen production in large scale, Henning G. Langås, NEL Hydrogen
- Hydrogen supply chain with long distance transport, Motohiko Nishimura, Kawasaki Heavy Industries
- Storage and transport of compressed hydrogen, Per Sigurd Heggem, Hexagon Composites
For questions contact Anders Ødegård:
Phone: +47 94356595