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Andy Booth

Chief Scientist

Dr. Booth is an environmental chemist with experience in developing analytical approaches and studying the fate and effects of contaminants such as micro- and nanoplastic, nanomaterials, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), crude oil and other emerging pollutants. He collaborates closely with researchers from other disciplines, including toxicology, microbiology, materials science and the social sciences.


2004 PhD: Biodegradation, Aqueous Solubility and Characterisation Studies of Unresolved Complex Mixtures (UCMs) of Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Disputation date: 15.05.2004. School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, UK.

1999 BSc. (Hons) Oceanography with Chemistry, Upper Second Class, Department of Oceanography, University of Liverpool, UK.

Competence and research areas

Booth enjoys applying 'safer by design' approaches to the development of new technologies . He is an active member of the national and internal research community on plastics, being a member of the scientific board of the MICRO conference series, an expert member for microplastic in the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive Technical Group on Marine Litter, and co-chair (2017-2021) of the International Council for Exploration of the Seas Working Group on Marine Litter and Microplastic.




Research areas

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Contact info

Visiting address:
Brattørkaia 17 C
7010 Trondheim