Research areas
Contact person, research areas
Contact person, expertise
- Towards a Market and Industrially Driven Green Transition of the Norwegian Oil and Gas Industry
- An experimental study of the reactivity of cellulosic-based chars from wastes
- Gasification of Biomass to Second Generation Biofuels: A Review
- The effect of peat ash addition to demolition wood on the formation of alkali, lead and zinc compounds at staged combustion conditions
- Ash related behaviour in staged and non-staged combustion of biomass fuels and fuel mixtures
- The effect of kaolin on the combustion of demolition wood under well-controlled conditions
- Combustion Properties of Norwegian Biomass: Wood Chips and Forest Residues
- NOx emission reduction by staged combustion in grate combustion of biomass fuels and fuel mixtures
- TGA and macro-TGA characterisation of biomass fuels and fuel mixtures
- Optimal mixtures to reduce the formation of corrosive compounds during straw combustion: a thermodynamic analysis
- Jo, verden trenger mer kunnskap om havbunnsmineraler
- Havbunnsmineraler trengs, gjenvinning blir ikke nok
- Norges havbunn har «gull» som fornybar-Europa vil skrike etter
- Behovet for sjeldne mineraler og metaller gir oss et miljødilemma
- Innlegg: Tiden er inne for et nytt eventyr på norsk sokkel - Bruk krisepenger på teknologi som gjør plugging av aldrende oljebrønner billigere. Det vil både holde hjulene i gang og styrke leverandørindustrien etter pandemien
- Innlegg: Klimatiltak på sokkelen kan bli selvfinansierende - To typer tiltak kan både krympe CO 2-utslippene og øke inntjeningen fra sokkelen
- Petroleumsforskning som månelanding
- Combustion Properties of Norwegian Biomass: Wood Chips and Forest Residues
- The effect of peat ash addition on the combustion of demolition wood under well controlled conditions (full paper in conference proceedings)
- Ash related behavior in staged and non-staged combustion of biomass fuels and fuel mixtures