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- μ-CT imaging of CO2-hydrate generation during cold core flooding
- Water Shutoff Technologies for Reduced Energy Consumption
- Quantitative Decision Analysis for Co2 Storage Conformance Management: A Synthetic Case Study at Smeaheia, North Sea
- Deliverable D3.2.4 Storage options relevant for the Norwegian cluster and their development, Norway
- CO2 Storage with Mobility Control
- Methodology for mapping possibilities of infrastructure re-use
- Re-use of infrastructure, Norway
- Mapping of paleo residual oil zones on the NCS and the potential for production by CO2-EOR
- Pressure Control for Managing and Optimizing Adjacent Subsurface Operations in Large Scale CCS
- Aliso Canyon Leakage as an Analogue for Worst Case CO2 Leakage and Quantification of Acceptable Storage Loss
- Behind the Scenes from ECCSEL test tank for studies of trapping mechanisms (Convection tank)
- Behind the Scenes at the ECCSEL Two-phase steady-state core flooding rig
- Svelvik CO2 Field Lab Site overview
- Development of Cost-Efficient CO2 Monitoring for Medium-Scale Injection Projects
- SP3 results: A step closer to sustainable reuse of offshore assets and infrastructure
- Oil field drainage with variable low-emission energy supply
- Bubble flow in fractures - Investigation of CO2 flow in fractures with bubble flow experiments in SINTEF's tilted Hele-Shaw cell
- Managing pore pressure for regional CO2 storage resources - SINTEF experience and tools
- Utilising reservoir behaviour in efforts to integrate renewable energy sources in oil and gas production
- Reuse of offshore assets and infrastructure for CO2 storage