Contact person, projects
- Profilometry: a non-intrusive active stereo-vision technique for wave-profile measurements in large hydrodynamic laboratories Read publication
- Local Structural Response of Stiffened Steel Panels due to Wave Impact: Calculated Responses From Measured Slamming Pressures Vs. Hydroelastic Measurements
- Local Structural Response of Concrete Shells due to Wave Impact: Calculated Responses From Measured Slamming Pressures Vs. Hydroelastic Measurements
- The Importance of Local Hydroelastic Effects When Calculating Structural Response From Measured Wave Slamming Pressures
- Hydroelastic response of Froude scaled stiffened steel panels exposed to design-critical wave slamming
- Hydroelastic response of concrete shells during impact on calm water
- Hydroelastic Response of Concrete Shells During Impact on Calm Water
- Experimental analysis of high and steep wave impacts and related hydroelastic effects relevant for offshore structures in steel Read publication
- Effect of wave-current interaction on a long fjord-crossing floating pontoon bridge Read publication
- Design and verification of Large Floating Coastal Structures: floating bridges for fjord crossings
- Accuracy of wave slamming FEA response calculations based on slamming pressure measurements
- Full-field reconstruction of water slamming pressures
- Effect of wave-current interaction on structural responses of a very long and side-anchored floating bridge
- Wave current effects on floating bridge pontoons
- OMAE2017-62390 - Study of an Entrapped Air Pocket due to Sloshing Using Experiments and Numerical Simulations
- OMAE2017-62643 New Combined CFD and Model Testing Technique for Identification of Wave Impact Loads on a Semisubmersible