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- Assessing demand response in district heating with waste-heat utilization
- Faster decarbonization of heavy industries in low-carbon power grids: using process flexibility for handling grid congestions Read publication
- Complementarity-constrained predictive control for efficient gas-balanced hybrid power systems Read publication
- A hierarchical framework for minimising emissions in hybrid gas-renewable energy systems under forecast uncertainty
- Regional Capacity Expansion Planning of Electricity and Hydrogen Infrastructure: A Norwegian Case Study
- Estimation of Long-term Power Demand of Oil and Gas Installations using Hybrid Models
- Probabilistic forecasting-based stochastic nonlinear model predictive control for power systems with intermittent renewables and energy storage
- Decarbonizing the European energy system in the absence of Russian gas: Hydrogen uptake and carbon capture developments in the power, heat and industry sectors
- Hydrogen for harvesting the potential of offshore wind: A North Sea case study Read publication
- Reference optimisation of uncertain offshore hybrid power systems with multi-stage nonlinear model predictive control Read publication
- The Role of Process Flexibility for Faster Decarbonization of Industrial Energy Demands
- Unlocking the potential of industrial flexibility for grid deferral and renewable balancing
- Industrifleksibilitet: Et kraftgrep for billigere strømregning og fremtidens kraftnett
- Integrated energy system planning under multi-timescale uncertainty: Modelling and algorithms
- Complementarity-constrained predictive control for efficient gas-balanced hybrid power systems
- Flexible and modular energy systems modelling with JuMP - A case study from the Arctic
- Integrated energy system planning under short-term and long-term uncertainty: Modelling and algorithms
- Modelling and analysis of multi-timescale uncertainty in energy system planning
- ZEESA - Zero Emission Energy Systems for the Arctic
- Reference optimisation of uncertain offshore hybrid power systems with multi-stage nonlinear model predictive control