- Down-scale wave hydrodynamic analysis for marine structures - the NORA-SARAH approach Read publication
- Estimation and Experimental Validation of Extreme Waves and Loads on a Large Monopile
- An Improved Interface Coupling Computational Fluid Dynamics With Potential Theory-Based Wave Descriptions
- Fully nonlinear phase-resolved wave modelling in the Norwegian fjords for floating bridges along the E39 coastal highway Read publication
- Identification and Investigation of Extreme Events Using an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Approach With a Laplace Equation Solver and Coupling to a Navier-Stokes Solver
- Hydrodynamic Coupling of Viscous and Nonviscous Numerical Wave Solutions Within the Open-Source Hydrodynamics Framework REEF3D Read publication
- Representation of 3-h Offshore Short-Crested Wave Field in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF Read publication
- High-efficiency wind-farm-scale wave force estimation for preliminary design of offshore wind installations Read publication
- Efficient Calculation of Hydrodynamic Loads on Offshore Wind Substructures Including Slamming Forces
- Application of Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Strips with Fully Nonlinear Wave Kinematics for Force Estimation Read publication
- An Improved Interface Coupling Computational Fluid Dynamics With Potential Theory-Based Wave Descriptions
- Numerical Non-Linear Wave Environment based on HOS and SSGW
- Large-scale wave modelling for the Norwegian coastal and offshore industries
- Coupled hydrodynamic modelling for steep and breaking wave impact on offshore wind turbine substructures
- A Numerical Investigation of Steep Irregular Wave Properties With a Mixed-Eulerian Lagrangian HOS Method
- High-Fidelity Representation of Three-Hour Offshore Short-Crested Wave Field in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF
- Representation of Breaking Wave Kinematics in the Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model REEF3D::FNPF
- REEF3D Wave Generation Interface for Commercial CFD Codes
- A Novel Semi-Empirical Non-Linear Time-Domain Formulation of Wave Elevation Diffracted by a Vertical Column
- Useful Indicators for Screening of Sea States for Wave Impacts on Fixed and Floating Platforms