Contact person, software
- Federation and Orchestration: a Scalable Solution for EU Multimodal Travel Information Services
- Can Holistic Optimization Improve Airport Air Traffic Management Performance? Read publication
- The "Orchestrator" approach to multimodal continental trip planning.
- Simulation of Rail Replacement Bus Service in Oslo
- Integrated surface and departure management at airports by optimization
- Optimizing AMAN-SMAN-DMAN at Hamburg and Arlanda airport
- Analyse av planleggingsprosessen i Widerøe
- Incremental approach for active passenger guidance during cruise ship emergencies
- Handling disruptions in Total Airport Management using what-if enabled systems
- Optimized Integrated Runway Sequence Management
- Mer miljøvennlig transport med kunstig intelligens
- A distributed and scalable architecture for enabling greener multimodal door-to-door travel within the EU
- Optimert henting av biomedisinske prøver
- Smart transport i distriktene
- The Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (2012)
- Optimize scheduling and routing at an airport
- Integrated scheduling and routing at an airport