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Eleni Kelasidi

Senior Research Scientist

Dr. Eleni Kelasidi is Senior Research Scientist and head of SINTEF ACE-RoboticLab - Autonomous and Robotic Aquaculture systems Lab in SINTEF Ocean leading activities on autonomous systems and robotic solutions applied to the aquaculture industry and targeting interdisciplinary research to link the field of technology and biology.


Eleni Kelasidi received the Diploma (MSc) of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Ph.D degree in Engineering Cybernetics from the University of Patras, Greece, in 2009 and from NTNU. In 2016, she is honoured three-year VISTA fellowship investigating Resident Robot Manipulators for Subsea IMR operations as PostDoc Researcher (VISTA Scholar) at the CoE Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems, Department of Engineering Cybernetics at NTNU.

Competence and research areas

Eleni Kelasidi works mostly with autonomation and robotics for sea-based and land-based aquaculture by developing solutions, tools and methods for optimized operations with minimum impact on fish. She has focus on Technology and Biology interaction for better fish welfare and reduced risk both to fish and personnel by applying the principles of Precision Fish Farming (PFF) concept.




Contact info

Visiting address:
Brattørkaia 17 C
7010 Trondheim