- SWMMLIDopt: a tool for optimization of low-impact development (LID) measures using the SWMM model Read publication
- Understanding the hydrological performance of green and grey roofs during winter in cold climate regions Read publication
- Evaluating the Stormwater Management Model for hydrological simulation of infiltration swales in cold climates Read publication
- Practice makes the model: A critical review of stormwater green infrastructure modelling practice Read publication
- Overvannshåndtering med fordrøyende tak
- Pilotprosjekt. Rv3 - Oppsummering modellering og datafangst
- Towards improving the hydrologic design of permeable pavements Read publication
- Hydrological performance of lined permeable pavements in Norway Read publication
- Blågrønne tak kan håndtere overvann også om vinteren
- Understanding the hydrological performance of green roofs during winter in cold climate regions and the implications for rainwater harvesting
- Bedre forståelse av den hydrologiske ytelsen til blågrønne tak under vinterforhold
- Sewer Network and Smart Water Meter Data for Modelling and Analysis of Water Distribution and Sewer Networks
- Hydrological simulation of infiltration swales based on historical and futures climates data in cold climate regions
- Improved hydrological modelling of infiltration swales in cold climates using underground water levels
- Analysing the impact of different precipitation characteristics on hydrological performances of infiltration swales
- Klima 2050 og evaluering av en grønn grøft langs RV3
- Sørg for riktig dimensjonering av permeable dekker