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Frode Strisland

Senior Research Scientist

I am a senior scientist and currently director of the key strategic research area of health and well-being at SINTEF. I joined SINTEF in 1998. Since then, I have worked with sensor technology, and my work has increasingly been directed towards biomedical sensor systems and how these can be used in the health services. I am an associate profess II at the Department of Physics, University of Oslo where I teach the course "Microsystems and electronics packaging"


Civil engineer and doctor engineer from the Physics department at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim during 1989-1998. The topic of my dissertation was experimental metal surface science studies.
Project management and leadership education, The Norwegian School of Management (BI) during 2001-2003

Competence and research areas

Experimental physics
Biomedical sensor systems
E-health research




Research areas

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Contact info

Visiting address:
Forskningsveien 1
0373 Oslo