Contact person, expertise
- Shifts in surface microbiota after cleaning and disinfection in broiler processing plants: incomplete biofilm eradication revealed by robotic high-throughput screening
- Ny kunnskap om filterdrift og mikrobiologisk liv i ozonering-biofiltreringsanlegg
- Disinfection in a salmon processing plant: Impact on bacterial communities and efficacy towards foodborne bacteria and biofilms
- New dienelactone hydrolase from microalgae bacterial community-Antibiofilm activity against fish pathogens and potential applications for aquaculture
- LOSiNOR — Lukt- og smaksproblemer i norsk drikkevann
- High-throughput assay for effect screening of amphotericin B and bioactive components on filamentous Candida albicans Read publication
- Health benefits of microalgae and their microbiomes Read publication
- Flow-based method for biofilm microbiota enrichment and exploration of metagenomes Read publication
- MEMiNOR: Membranfiltrering for fjerning av Naturlig Organisk Materiale i Nordiske drikkevann
- Overvåking av bakteriesamfunn i settefiskproduksjon. En studie av fem RAS-anlegg
- Mapping the Microbiome of Two Drinking Water Distribution Systems in Norway
- Microbiome in marble- and biofilters in ozone water treatment
- PlastiSpread: Exploring Plastics as a Vector for Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance from Wastewater in the Marine Environment
- Investigating the Role of Plastics in Transmitting Antimicrobial Resistance and Pathogens from Wastewater to the Marine Environment
- Slik kan rengjøringsmidler skade helsen din
- Plastics as a Potential Vector for Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance and Pathogens from Wastewater Discharge to the Marine Environment and Human Food Value Chain
- Plastics as a Potential Vector for Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance and Pathogens From Wastewater Discharge in the Marine Environment - the PlastiSpread Project
- Plastics as a Potential Vector for Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance and Pathogens From Wastewater Discharge in the Marine Environment – the PlastiSpread Project
- PlastiSpread- Plastics as a potential vector for spread of antimicrobial resistance and pathogens from wastewater discharge in the marine environment
- Bakteriesamfunn på produksjonsoverflater i matindustrien: effekt av desinfeksjonsmidler på mikrobiota og biofilm