Contact person, laboratories
- Increasing citizen engagement in sustainable architecture using augmented reality: A pilot study Read publication
- Analysis of visual and acoustic measures for self-evacuations in road tunnels using virtual reality Read publication
- Analysis of spatial and design factors for users' acceptance of rescue rooms in road tunnels: An exploratory study using Virtual Reality Read publication
- Configurable gear shifter for HGV using haptic rendering, force fields and FSM
- Analysis of visual and acoustic measures for evacuations in road tunnels using virtual reality
- Fjernstyring og synkron avspilling av VR-innhold: Oppsummering fra et forprosjekt som kunnskapsgrunnlag for videre praksis og forskning
- Evaluation of Road Safety Education Program with Virtual Reality Eye Tracking Read publication
- 'Vurdering av smal 4-feltsveg. Skilting på smal midtdeler og avbøtende tiltak for smal vegskulder Read publication
- Barn, oppmerksomhet og sykling. Evaluering av ny opplæringsmodell basert på det vitenskapelige konseptet Mind, Brain and Education (MBE) Read publication
- Innovative Road Safety Education Program
- Bedre varsling kan redde flere folk og dyr i trafikken
- Bedre varsling kan redde flere folk og dyr i trafikken
- Droner kan få nøkkelrolle for å hindre trafikkulykker
- Analysis of visual and acoustic measures for evacuations in road tunnels using virtual reality
- Analysis of design and spatial factors for users' acceptance of rescue rooms in Norwegian road tunnels: An experimental study using VR
- Blir VR-briller det nye kontoret?
- Innovative Road Safety Education Program.
- Kunstig intelligens skal gi oss sikrere vinterveier
- Sun Glare Detection and Visualization with QGIS
- Go/NoGo testing and road safety education for young cyclists