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Johan Elvemo Ravn

Chief Scientist

I began my career as a work researcher at SINTEF IFIM in 1996 and was promoted to senior researcher in 2000. I am now chief researcher, but also have a secondary position as professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Nord University. I have extensive experience as work researcher and have also led a number of research assignments within several industries and the public sector


I hold a MSc degree in industrial economics from NTH (1989) and a PhD in in change management from the Department of Organization and Work Life Science at the University of Trondheim/NTH (now NTNU). I also have studies in philosophy and ethics from the University of Trondheim (1988-89) and UiO (1994-95).

Competence and research areas

My professional interests and expertise lie within socio-technical systems theory, organizational design and collaborative industrial relations. I have extensive experience with action research and transdisciplinary collaboration.


Contact info

Visiting address:
S P Andersens vei 3
7031 Trondheim