- Can automatic measuring replace humans when evaluating a shrimp fishery? Read publication
- Sluttrapport: Kartlegging av mengder og årsaker til matsvinn i sjømatnæringen
- Bin Picking of Reflective Steel Parts Using a Dual-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network Trained in a Simulated Environment Read publication
- Teaching a robot to grasp real fish by imitation learning from a human supervisor in virtual reality Read publication
- Grasping virtual fish: A step towards deep learning from demonstration in virtual reality Read publication
- Identifikasjon av lakseindivider — Biometri fase 1 (SalmID) Read publication
- Training catch analysis models with synthetic data
- Økt automatisering i sjømatindustrien med kunstig intelligens og simulering
- KI-basert bildeanalyse og robotisert håndtering - Overvinne datamangel med simulert data
- Robot learning with visual processing in arbitrarily sized, high resolution volumes
- Bin Picking of Reflective Steel Parts using a Dual-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network Trained in a Simulated Environment
- Learning robots in the seafood industry
- Simplifying automation in the food industry using deep learning and virtual reality
- Grasping Virtual Fish - A Step Towards Robotic Deep Learning from Demonstration in Virtual Reality