- A novel method for evaluating ship concept performance in transport systems
- D2.3: Concept of Operations and requirements for SEAMLESS Building blocks
- System Theoretic Process Analysis Based Safety On Different Autonomy Levels Of Autonomous Ships For Short Sea Service
- Regulatory and legal frameworks recommendations for short sea shipping maritime autonomous surface ships
- Assessing the resilience of sustainable autonomous shipping: New methodology, challenges, opportunities
- Improving safety of interactions between conventional and autonomous ships
- AEGIS D2.6: Roadmap for automated waterborne transport
- Analysing the Need for Safety Crew Onboard Autonomous Passenger Ships – A Case Study on Urban Passenger Transport in Norwegian Waters
- A Criticism of Proposed Levels of Autonomy for MASS
- SIMPACT - SIMulation based ship concept imPACT evaluation tool - OC2023 A-040 Read publication
- A novel method for evaluating ship concept performance in transport systems
- Forskning på autonome skip i SINTEF Ocean
- Autonomous ships are on the horizon: Is AI ready to take command? -
- Advanced, efficient and green intermodal systems - Roadmap for automated waterborne transport.
- AUTOSHIP: the project video
- Redesign of waterborne logistics with a view to future technology developments for MASS
- Formell beskrivelse av samhandling mellom ROC og automasjon.
- A system architecture definition for remote operations of autonomous passenger vessels
- En «KI-kaptein» på fregatten ville neppe unngått kollisjon
- Gjennombrudd for autonome skip