- Fostering alternative fuels in Norwegian ports: does public policy address the challenges?
- CCS technological innovation system dynamics in Norway Read publication
- Ports as urban transition actors towards zero-emission transport
- Shared solutions for active, collective, and inclusive neighbourhoods
- Faster, broader, and deeper! Suggested directions for research on net-zero transitions Read publication
- Integration of urban freight transport in city planning: Lesson learned Read publication
- Prøveprosjekt som metode. Konsekvenser for bylogistikk i Olav Tryggvasons gate, Trondheim Read publication
- Increasing the speed, scope, and level of decarbonization for meeting the Net-zero 2050 challenge. Implications for sustainability transitions research Read publication
- Diverging pathways to port sustainability: How social processes shape and direct transition work Read publication
- Actors in energy transitions. Transformative potentials at the intersection between Norwegian port and transport systems Read publication
- Elbilar: Därfor leder Norge elektrifiseringen
- Disorganised responsibilities: transition management at the national level
- Approaches to handle disruption effects in transport infrastructure and logistics networks
- Towards inclusive social innovation arenas? Building capacity for decision- and policy making to curb transport demand
- Unwrapping influences on transition work
- A willingness to sacrifice? Unpacking the un-tapped potential for transformative change in mobility transitions
- Hvordan rigger vi transportsystemet for en stadig mer uforutsigbar verden?
- The role of integrating shared, demand-responsive transport services in mobility transitions
- Learning from and overcoming transition failures in urban transport?
- Urban mobility transitions