Contact person, projects
- Designing for Co-designing: The Case of Oral Health Promotion in Adolescents
- Adolescents' views on oral health care and promotion in Norway: everyday practices, recommendations, and future visions Read publication
- Investigating hope in oral health promotion for adolescents: an exploratory study based on observations at the dental clinic Read publication
- Introducing hope in design for health and well-being Read publication
- Dental professionals’ views on motivational interviewing for the prevention of dental caries with adolescents in central Norway Read publication
- Participation and Inclusion of Children and Youth with Disabilities in Local Communities Read publication
- Co-designing immersive VR with and for adolescents in elementary school
- Mange tannleger sliter med å motivere unge til puss og tannstell
- Hvordan kan design gi god helse? #2
- Hvordan kan design gi god helse? #1
- A Narrative Inquiry into Hope: Exploring Adolescents' Experiences and Expectations in Oral Health Context
- Vi må tenke nytt for å bedre ungdommers munnhelse
- Co-Reflect Toolkit
- #Care4YoungTeeth<3 - Hvordan kan vi støtte og motivere ungdom til å ta best mulig vare på tennene sine? Presentasjon for Oral Helse KAG
- Bli med og design for unge tenner! #1
- Bli med og design for unge tenner! #2
- #Care4YoungTeeth<3 - Hvordan kan vi støtte og motivere ungdom til å ta best mulig vare på tennene sine? Presentasjon for Trøndelag Barne- og Ungdomsråd.