Contact person, projects
Contact person, expertise
- Conceptual design and process assessment of a MSW waste-to-energy plant with oxy-combustion CO2 capture
- Integrating exhaust gas recirculation for reduced CO2 emissions from combined cycle power plants
- Effect of use of zero-carbon and low-carbon fuels on the performance of compact combined cycles for power generation
- Experimental study on the effect of pressure on single and two stage combustion of decomposed ammonia (NH3-H2-N2) blends over a swirl stabilized burner Read publication
- Simplified mathematical model of oxy-fuel combustion of municipal solid waste in the grate furnace: effect of different flue gas recirculation rates and comparison with conventional mode
- Negative CO2 Emission Gas Power Plant As Technology for Utilization of Sewage Sludge, Production of Electrical Energy, and CO2 Capture - Case of Chamber Under Transpiration Cooling
- Understanding the Potential and the Challenges of a NGCC Integrated With Hydrogen-Assisted EGR and CO2 Capture
- Experimental and Numerical Results of a Non-DLE Aeroderivative GT Combustion System Burning Methane-Ammonia Blends at Intermediate Pressures
- A comparative study on thermochemical decomposition of lignocellulosic materials for energy recovery from waste: Monitoring of evolved gases, thermogravimetric, kinetic and surface analyses of produced chars Read publication
- Low carbon power generation for offshore oil and gas production
- Behaviour of retrofitted industrial gas turbine burners to ammonia blends
- Oxy-WtE: Forbrenning av avfall med negativt CO2 fotavtrykk
- Maximising Value: how to utilize biproduct from hydrogen production?
- Ammonia combustion for gas turbine power applications
- Pressurized combustion of decomposed ammonia fuels
- A new approach to waste incineration removes CO2 from the atmosphere
- A new approach to waste incineration removes CO2 from the atmosphere
- Eerste fabriek ter wereld die vuil verbrandt en CO2 afvangt en opslaat
- Durch Abtrennung von CO2: Müllverbrennung bremst Klimawandel effektiv