Contact person, projects
- EDGAR - EGNSS Dual-Frequency/Multi-Constellation for GBAS Based Operations (2024 - 2026)
- Cyber-physical threat monitoring localization and enforcement (2022 - 2026)
- Integrated Communication, Navigation and Surveillance System (I-CNSS ) (2019 - 2022)
- Essential and Efficient Communication Navigation and Surveillance Integrated Systems (SESAR PJ 14 EECNS) (2018 - )
Contact person, expertise
- Making a Good Thing Better: Jammertest 2023 Jamming, Meaconing, Spoofing, and Synchronization on the Norwegian Coast
- Assessment and Validation of Small-Scale Tropospheric Delay Estimations Based on NWP Data
- Plane Prior for RGB-D based Visual Odometry
- GNSS Anomaly Detection with Complex-Valued LSTM Networks
- A Novel Cross-Attention-Based Pedestrian Visual–Inertial Odometry With Analyses Demonstrating Challenges in Dense Optical Flow
- Jammertest 2022: Jamming and Spoofing Lessons Learned Read publication
- Radio-Frequency Interference Considerations for Utility of the Galileo E6 Signal Based on Long-Term Monitoring by ARFIDAAS Read publication
- Analysis of 5G and LTE Signals for Opportunistic Navigation and Time Holdover Read publication
- Towards Robust Visual Inertial Odometry in Feature Sparse Structured Environments
- Study of time- and distance-dependent degradations of network RTK performance at high latitudes in Norway
- Auroral Zone Disturbance Impacts: Time- and Distance-dependent Degradations of Network RTK Performance
- In-lab receiver testing based on live captured RFI events from the ARFIDAAS project
- High Latitude Ionospheric Gradient Observation Results from a Multi-Scale Network
- In-lab receiver testing based on live captured RFI events
- Towards Robust Visual Inertial Odometry in Feature Sparse Structured Environments
- Long-term multi-frequency GNSS RFI monitoring campaign results and analysis
- High Latitude Ionospheric Gradient Observation Results from a Multi-Scale Network
- High Latitude Ionospheric Gradient Observation Results from a Multi-Scale Network
- Exploration of Unintentional GNSS RFI Sources: Causes, Occurrence Rates, and Predicted Future Impact
- Implementation and Test of a Low Cost GBAS Subset Airborne Receiver Experimental Platform for UAVs Read publication