- Unlocking the Potential of Value Stacking in Norwegian Distributions Systems
- Cyber-Physical Distribution Power System for Assessing Voltage Regulation with State Estimator and Topology Identification in the Loop
- Rethinking distribution network operational planning with flexibility resources Read publication
- Hardware-in-the-Loop platform based on Smart Meters for Demonstrating Advanced Distribution Management Systems
- A Model-Based Controller for an Isolated Inverter for Electric Vehicle Applications
- Cyber-Physical Power System Testing platform for Topology Identification in Power Distribution Grids
- Battery Energy Support to Cascaded H-Bridge Converter-Fed Large-Scale PV System During Unbalanced Power Generation
- A wave-to-wire model for grid integration studies of oscillating-body wave energy converters Read publication
- Selection of dc-dc topologies compatible with MMC with PV and energy storage
- Grid connection and system services of a wave power plant - a case study
- Rammeverk og systematikk for driftsplanlegging i aktive distribusjonsnett
- Rethinking Distribution Grid Operational Planning with Flexibility Resources
- Rethinking Distribution Grid Operational Planning with Flexibility Resources
- Batterier er mer enn kun energilagring
- Testing av AMS-måling for topologi-identifisering og tilstandsestimering
- Investigation on FRT method for VSC-HVDC with 0WF: New proposal