- Towards quantitative partial discharge simulations
- Streamer inception probability in air at atmospheric pressure - An experimental and theoretical analysis Read publication
- A 3D kinetic Monte Carlo study of streamer discharges in CO2 Read publication
- Genesis of column sprites: formation mechanisms and optical structures Read publication
- Lightning Impulse Testing in Short Air-Gaps and Memory Effect of Previous Discharges Read publication
- Streamer inception in technical air with and without C5-fluoroketone for a rod-plane gap
- Stochastic and self-consistent 3D modeling of streamer discharge trees with Kinetic Monte Carlo Read publication
- Surface Flashover over a Microprofiled Cylinder in Air Read publication
- A kinetic Monte Carlo study of positive streamer interaction with complex dielectric surfaces Read publication
- chombo-discharge: An AMR code for gas discharge simulations in complex geometries
- Corrigendum: Streamer propagation along a profiled dielectric surface (2020 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol.29 115015)
- Erratum: Streamer and surface charge dynamics in non-uniform air gaps with a dielectric barrier (IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (2019) 26:4 (1163-1171) DOI: 10.1109/TDEI.2019.007929)