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Silje L. Kaspersen

Senior Research Scientist

Silje L. Kaspersen is Senior Researcher at SINTEF Digital, Department of Health. She is also Researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Public Health and Nursing. She holds a PhD in Public Health and a Msc. in Economics. Her main research areas are (mental) health services research and work health health, with a PhD on the health consequences of unemployment and organisational downsizing.


Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU):
PhD in Public Health (social epidemiology)
Master of Science in Economics (labour economics)

Competence and research areas

Proficient in both quantitative and qualitative research methods (registry data analyses/surveys/interviews) and enjoy combining these (mixed methods) to see a larger picture. I am also well acquainted with the application processes and reporting procedures required for access to individual-level registry data from registry owners (e.g., Statistics Norway, NAV, the Directorate of Health), REK, and SIKT.




More publications

Contact info

Visiting address:
Vangslundsgate 10
7030 Trondheim