Contact person, projects
- Use of ANSI/HFES Human Readiness Level to ensure safety in automation
- Designing automated vehicle and traffic systems towards meaningful human control
- Experiences Of Safety And Reliability In Remote Control Of Safety Critical Operations From Oil And Gas, Automated Transport
- Menneskelige, tekniske og organisasjonsmessige forhold knyttet til Helge Ingstad ulykken Read publication
- Fjernstyring og fjernovervåkning av lav-bemannende skip – erfaringsoverføring fra andre industrier
- New Design Solutions and Procedures for Ensuring Meaningful Human Control and Interaction with Autonomy: Automated Ferries in Profile
- A Guide for Identifying Human Factors in Accident Investigations
- The Effectiveness of Adaptive Automation in Human-Technology Interaction
- Challenges and Opportunities of Implementing the Operators' Perspective: Experiences from Automated Drilling Projects
- Challenges and emerging practices in design of automation
- Meaningful Human Control in Critical-Safety Systems
- Meaningful Human Control in Critical-Safety Systems
- Meaningful Human Control in Critical-Safety Systems
- Meaningful Human Control in Critical-Safety Systems
- HFC Høstmøte 2023: Systemperspektiv på sikring/beredskap
- HFC-Forum: Menneskets rolle i nye teknologier og driftskonsepter – Will Industry 5.0 herald the revenge of the humans?
- En «KI-kaptein» på fregatten ville neppe unngått kollisjon
- Safety and Human Dependability in seaborne autonomous vessels
- Safety challenges in the development of Hydrogen supply chain, ESRA Newsletter March 2022
- IT-ekspert: - Har de gjort hjemmeleksen sin?