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Tor Strømsem Haugland

Research Scientist

Researcher at Material Physics in Trondheim. I electronic structure calculations (DFT) on precipitates in aluminium to help find the crystal structure. I also use neural network potentials to efficiently calculate phase diagrams for new materials.


2018-2019: Master of Science in applied theoretical chemistry at NTNU.
2019-2023: Ph. D. at the department of chemistry at NTNU, "Coupled cluster theory and strong light-matter coupling"

Competence and research areas

Electronic structure
Aluminium alloys and precipitates
Response theory
Photons and cavity QED
Molecular structure
Neural network potentials

I use VASP for most calculations on solid states. We also use N2P2 to train neural network potentials. I have a background in quantum chemistry and I am familiar with several molecular electronic structure programs, e.g., eT, DALTON and PySCF.


Contact info

Visiting address:
Høgskoleringen 5
7034 Trondheim