DMA - Dynamical Mechanical Analysis
Model: 242 E/1/G Artemis
Contact persons
Manufacturer: Netzsch
Model: DMA 242 E/1/G Artemis
Manufacturer: Netzsch-Gerätebau GmbH
Range of different variables:
- High force range with total force 24 N: 0 - 12 N static and 0.005 - 12 N dynamic load and resolution 0.001 N dynamic and 0.002 N static
- High resolution range with total force 8 N: 0 - 4 N static and 0.002 - 4 N dynamic load and resolution 0.0003 N dynamic and 0.0006 N static
- Measuring frequencies: 0.01 Hz - 100 Hz (25 fixed frequencies)
- Temperature range: - 170 to 600 °C
Available sample holders:
- Three-point bending
- Compression or penetration
- Tension