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National Laboratories for an Energy Efficient Industry for improved utilization of available industrial surplus heat and a reformation of the efficiency in various industry processes.

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HighEFFLab will provide the advanced research facilities required to fulfil the goals of FME HighEFF: Enable 20-30 % reduction in specific energy use and 10 % reduction in climate gas emissions for the Norwegian Industry.

Developing and testing advanced Components such as novel heat exchangers for heat capture, energy transfer and heat recovery. Cycles and applications to maximize energy efficient processing such as high temperature heat pumping technology or surplus-heat-to-power processes.

HighEFFLab installations:

  • The Heat Exchanger Laboratory
  • The Expander Test Laboratory
  • The Natural Refrigerant Laboratory
  • The Dewatering Laboratory
  • The Gas and Material Characterization Laboratory

See the website for HighEFFLab for more information.


Financed by the Research Council of Norway by the National Financing Initiative for Research Infrastructure.


  • 5 year project
  • Hosted by SINTEF and NTNU
  • Total funding 50,2 MNOK

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The laboratory have rigs at several locations, both on Gløshaugen Campus and SINTEF Energy Lab.