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Pore Imaging Laboratory

SINTEF Pore Imaging Laboratory is an advanced national and European research infrastructure comprised of multifaceted X-ray imaging facilities, with advanced analysis tools, and fast computing power.

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Pore Imaging Laboratory. Photo: SINTEF/Thor Nielsen
Pore Imaging Laboratory. Photo: SINTEF/Thor Nielsen

Harnessing Computational Power for Advanced Image Analysis

Our laboratory is equipped with a robust computing and image analysis infrastructure designed to meet the demanding requirements of modern research. This system is founded on two key pillars: high-performance computing hardware and advanced image analysis software. 

High-Performance Computing Hardware

  • GPU-Accelerated Multi-Core Server Solution
    • Local GPU-Accelerated Multi-Core Servers: These powerful machines, equipped with multiple GPUs and CPUs, enable us to efficiently handle complex tasks such as 3D image reconstruction and deep learning.
    • NTNU-SINTEF HPC Facilities: We also leverage the shared computing resources provided by NTNU and SINTEF, ensuring access to cutting-edge computational power when needed.
    • High-Speed Storage System: To accommodate large datasets and facilitate rapid access, our system incorporates a combination of SSDs (Solid-State Drives) for fast read/write operations and HDDs (Hard Disk Drives) for long-term storage. 

Advanced Image Analysis Software Suite

  • Commercial Software:
    • AVIZO: A versatile platform with three essential modules:
      • DVC Extension: Tracks 3D deformation and internal structural changes.
      • XLab Extension: Simulates material properties for virtual experiments.
      • XWind Extension: Prepares high-quality meshes for simulations. 
  • Open-Source Software:
    • Python-Based Tools: Our researchers utilize Python libraries to develop custom workflows and leverage powerful machine learning algorithms.
    • Java-Based Tools: ImageJ/Fiji provides a flexible and extensible environment for image analysis, ensuring reproducibility and collaboration.

Equipped with state-of-the-art hardware and software, our lab is primed to solve complex research problems and drive breakthroughs in non-destructive material characterization and imaging across various fields.

Photo from SINTEF Pore Imaging Laboratory

Photo: SINTEF/Thor Nielsen

Contact information

Postal address

SINTEF Industry
P.O.Box 4760 Torgarden
NO-7465 Trondheim, Norway

Visiting address

S. P. Andersens veg 3, Trondheim

The SINTEF Pore Imaging Laboratory is located at Lerkendal in Trondheim, Norway.