The project #Care4YoungTeeth<3 will contribute to improving the oral health of all adolescents, regardless of social, geographical or economic background.
Our research focuses on population health, healthcare systems, services, stakeholders, and technologies to improve health and quality of life in the population, as well as sustainable and efficient healthcare services of high quality. Central themes are integrated care, digitalisation, health promotion, patient pathways and person-oriented treatment and follow-up. In close collaboration with stakeholders, services, and industry, we are an important contributor to Norwegian health industry.
The project #Care4YoungTeeth<3 will contribute to improving the oral health of all adolescents, regardless of social, geographical or economic background.
The main idea of the AI-Dentify project is to develop, test and validate a novel software to be commercialized by Boneprox AS as a service platform, which is scalable to the global market. The solution will make it easy for the dental industry...
BETTEReHEALTH aims to increase the level of international cooperation in eHealth, inform and strengthen end-user communities and policy makers in making the right decisions for the successful implementation of e-Health. BETTEReHEALTH will lead to...
The purpose of the research project is to investigate whether children and young people in child welfare services receive necessary health care, and to identify important barriers to health care. The project will contribute so that child welfare...
MEDITATE (“the Medical Digital Twin for Aneurysm Prevention and Treatment”) will deliver a comprehensive framework of simulation and imaging technologies, targeted at industrial and clinical-translation to accelerate the process of personalised...
The main aim of SMILE is to create SMart Inclusive Living Environments (SLE) with novel eHealth solutions that enable ageing in place. Specifically, the SLE ecosystem will provide an infrastructure, that not only supports older people to live...
Visiting Address, Trondheim:
Prof. Brochs gate 2, Miljøbygget, Teknobyen
Postal Address, Trondheim:
SINTEF Digital
Dept. of Health Research
P.O. Box 4760 Torgaarden
NO-7465 Trondheim, Norway
Administrative contact person:
Visiting Address, Oslo:
Forskningsveien 1, Gaustad
Postal Address, Oslo:
SINTEF Digital
Dept. of Health Research
P.O. Box 124 Blindern
NO-0314 Oslo, Norway
Administrative contact person: